New Delhi:The Central Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday registered an FIR against former Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat, former cabinet minister Uttarakhand Harak Singh Rawat and other unknown persons over charges on alleged criminal conspiracy. The FIR follows after the probe agency’s investigation into purported video going back to 2016.
CEO of Samachar Plus Channel Umesh Kumar who is said to have purportedly conducted the sting operation in connection with the video has also been booked by the probe agency along with the former Uttarakhand CM , former cabinet minister and the unknown others, according to sources. The video purportedly showed Rawat talking about money with a view to get back support of the MLAs to come back to power.
The probe agency had started a preliminary enquiry in 2016 April , wherein the agency found substantial evidence to file an FIR against Rawat. The CBI has slapped IPC section with regard to criminal conspiracy and illegal gratification provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act on the three.