Exit polls predict clear win for Cong in Raj, close fight b/w BJP & Cong in MP, C’garh

Published: Dec 7, 2018, 3:16 pm IST

New Delhi, Dec 7 (UNI) Exit polls on Friday predicted a clear win for the Congress in Rajasthan

while forecasting a close fight between the party and BJP in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

while TRS was expected to romp home in Telangana.

An exit poll released by India Today-Axis gave the opposition Congress a slight lead over

incumbent BJP in Madhya Pradesh, predicting that it would garner 104-122 seats against 102-122

seats by BJP in a tightly-contested Assembly elections.

Independents and others were expected to gain four to eleven seats in the state which has seen


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