Theresa condemns Blair’s new Brexit vote call

Published: Dec 16, 2018, 10:03 am IST

(UNI) Theresa May has attacked one of her predecessors – accusing Tony Blair of “undermining” the Brexit talks by calling for another referendum.
She called his comments an “insult to the office he once held” and said MPs could not “abdicate responsibility” to deliver Brexit by holding a new poll, said a BBC News report.
Mr Blair said MPs might back a new vote if “none of the other options work”.
It comes after Labour MPs who support the idea met Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington to make their case.
About 10 MPs met Mr Lidington on Thursday to argue for another public vote and make it clear there was no other government plan they could support.
But many senior Labour figures are deeply uneasy about endorsing another referendum.

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