US Judge Rules Adult Star Stormy Daniels to Pay Trump Nearly $300,000 in Fees – Filing

Published: Dec 12, 2018, 7:06 am IST

(Sputnik) A US district judge ruled adult movie actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, should pay President Donald Trump over $293,000 in attorney’s fees and sanctions in a defamation suit that has been tossed out, a court document revealed on Tuesday.
“The Court … orders Plaintiff [Daniels] to pay Defendant [Trump] $ 293,052.33 in attorneys’ fees, costs, and sanctions. This case shall close,” the document stated.
The porn star claimed she had a secret affair with Trump in 2006, and was threatened by president’s associates demanding her silence. Daniels filed the suit in April suggesting that Trump defamed her by saying that she was making up stories about their relationship and the threats. Yet, Daniels told the media last month her defense attorney Michael Avenatti submitted this filing to the court against her wishes. Moreover, the woman claimed her lawyer launched a overcrowding campaign without her permission.
Judge James Otero said the porn star is currently asking to withdraw her defamation claim. The court found the allegations presented by Daniels meritless, according to the document.

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