Consumer Protection Bill 2018 expected to revolutionarise consumer rights in India after becoming act

Published: Dec 25, 2018, 8:15 am IST

(UNI) Observing the national consumer day today, with a theme of “timely disposal of consumer complaints” the consumers and merchant organizations are looking forward for the impending law that is expected to revolutionarise the consumer rights in India.
Considered to be a milestone enactment, giving a lot more power to the consumers, the Consumer Protection Bill, 2018 was passed by the Lok Sabha on December 21 and is awaiting the nod of the Rajya Sabha, to become an Act.
The new Act will replace the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, which has been into near-oblivion for want of adequate tools that could protect the rights of the consumers in the changed market conditions.
The new law is expected to give more and sharper teeth for the consumers and consumer protection rights institutions.
The constitution of a Central Consumers Protection Authority, in lines with the consumer-friendly and highly acclaimed US Federal Trade Commission, is expected to be a game changer in consumer rights protection. That apart, inclusion of e-commerce, easing the formalities through e-filing and video-hearing and provisions against false or misleading advertisements would also go a long way in reinforcing the consumer right movement in India.

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