Russia to inform foreign partners about results of probe into Soyuz MS-09 hole: Source

Published: Dec 16, 2018, 6:42 am IST

Russia’s foreign partners in the International Space Station (ISS) program will be adequately informed about the results of the investigation into the microfracture found in the orbital module of the Russian Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft in late August, a source in the space industry told Sputnik.
“Foreign space agencies — the participants of the ISS program — will be adequately informed about the results of the investigation into the origin of the hole in the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft,” the source said.
On August 30, an ISS crew detected a minor air leakage caused by a microfracture on a wall of the orbital module of the Soyuz MS-09, which is currently docked at the space station. The hole was sealed by the crew on the same day, and Russia’s state space corporation Roscosmos set up a special commission to investigate the incident. In October, the commission concluded that the incident had not been caused by a manufacturing defect.(UNI)

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